Article 14115

Title of the article



Karimova Lyudmila Fedorovna, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. The problem of consolidation of the modern Russian society causes a necessity to study the essence and mechanisms of socioeconomic aspects of poor population’s adaption in modern Russia. The article is aimed at researching various types of adaptive strategies of overcoming financial difficulties.
Materials and methods. Realization of the set objectives was achieved on the basis of the analysis of publications by Russian sociologists on the problem of choosing adaptive strategies by the population for overcoming poverty. Special attention was paid to passive and active adaptive strategies that the most popular in the modern society.
Results. On the basis of the analysis of socioeconomic adaptation of population of the modern Russian society the author revealed main adaptive strategies and required resources for overcoming the state of poverty.
Conclusions. The analysis of main adaptive strategies in modern Russia shows that not a single above mentioned strategy does not allow poor population segments to achieve a worthy financial position in the society. Therefore, in order to overcome the state of poverty it is necessary to combine several types of adaptive strategies. Besides, the poverty overcoming success depends not just on a rational choice of adaptive strategies, but also on individual features of poor population segments. On the basis of the conducted analysis the author concludes that the increase of life quality and standard is of significant importance for consolidation of the Russian society.

Key words

poverty, adaptive strategies of the poor, social adaptation, adaptational model of behavior, adaptive resources, consolidation of society.

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Дата создания: 22.07.2015 09:45
Дата обновления: 27.07.2015 09:33